How to find Shader Group-user material and delete Shader Group?

How to find Shader Group user material and delete Shader Group?
Hello is there any tool/method for this? Thanks.

to find a nodegroup you can simply check your nodegroups in the node editor… simply go into the add menu, in the group submenu you’ll find every nodes in the blend file.
Another approach would be to use the python api… just go into the python console and write ‘D.node_groups.items()’ and it will return all the node groups.

To delete them, just don’t use them! remove any reference to the nodegroup and the fake_user if there is one, save the file and the next time you open the blend, the nodegroup will be gone.

Hello Secrop, thanks, I think I haven’t put on the question properly. I would like to find which material use that Shader Group.
For now I made a search in the Outliner Datablocks and deleted it there, but there should be a better approach for it.

I don’t know if there’s a better method to do it… I personally just go directly into the python console and I do a loop search through the materials to check if any has the node I’m looking for…
Not the best, but as it is something I don’t use so much, I don’t mind to write 3 or 4 lines in the console.

I think there is another problem
if ob is part of a group then it may be more complicated to get rid of!

not certain what the constraints are for this

happy bl