Acrylic material Blender Internal Renderer

Hello, is it possible to do material kind of on photo in Blender Internal Renderer or similar ?

Absolutely. Use the Cycles renderer.

Look for tutorials on plastic materials and glass materials – you’re going to do a combination of the two – plastic for the surface, but you’re also going to be bending the light a bit as it passes through the material (like glass).

The OP asked about Blender Internal, not Cycles. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to achieve similar effects in BI. And it’s faster than Cycles too, without all that grainy nastiness.

Yes, having reflections and ray transparency (with blurriness) and making use of blinn specularity should give a rough approximation (but expect BI to really bog down when it starts rendering out the internal reflections, this is a major area where Cycles is actually faster and Cycles might only seem slower because BI doesn’t do any global illumination with caustics).

That said, any blurriness in BI also only works for one bounce, so the raytraced effects will look perfectly sharp in the reflection from the floor.

I can’t use Cycles, i’m using blend4web (3D in web). I know that easy in Cycles but i realy cant understand how to do it in Internal Renderer (That’s why i’ms asking about help). And i need colorize different parts.

I got some good glass example in BL
but not with nodes

here is sample file for some glass
but for reflection needs to add some HDRI map on world

happy bl


glass-bl1.blend (216 KB)