Blender on smartphone. (phones have better config then 40% of desc top PC's)

Question: Why don’t we have blender for smartphone platform, since my Lumia already have better config then my PC, also im running my lumia as PC desc top right now, with keyboard and mouse and big screen connected, and im wondering why cant we have blender for phone platform since phones have better and faster config then 40% of desc top PC’s… ?

Because phones are probably slower than 100% of PC’s used for any CGI/Multimedia?

Also what % of phones are better than 40% of PC’s? Certainly not 100% Do you have a link for that? Core count and clock speeds/ram dont count, since desktop x86 computers run a different architecture to ARM. Especially in rendering, chances are most 5 year old dual core Pc’s woild be faster than most phones, let alonr a 5 year old phone.

arm is pretty slow compared to any x86 machine

This is a troll post, yes?
Well on the off chance it is not, I’m going to skip past entirely the cpu discussion between phone and desktop, I’ll point out that my desktops have 32 gig and 128 gig of ram respectively and I’ll go right to screen size and controls.

How in the hell would you model something on a cellphone size screen and be able to see it?

Isn’t there an ARM distro out there? People have run Blender on Tegra, haven’t they?

(and yes, troll thread or a misdirected kid)

if your phone is better than your pc why did you waste money on a fancy phone with much lower and more expensive data caps? there is a reason fallout4 is pc and only fallout shelter is for phones. you can get superior hardware for the same money in a desktop, you dont have to waste resources miniaturizing it oe even worrying about battery life. and who really wants to try to run blender on a 4 inch screen? “one hand on the keyboard, one hand on the mouse”. huston, we have a problem. actually both problems.

Besides the fact that a fast smartphone still isn’t a good platform to do serious CG work on, you have to port Blender to each of these terrible smartphone platforms individually, which is a lot of work.

Android is the “easiest” platform, because it isn’t as locked-down as iOS or Windows Phone. Still, you’d need to port all the incompatible OpenGL code over, deal with the poor native code support and with all the different device and OS configurations. Still, there’s an experimental (and incomplete) Android port of an old version of Blender floating around.

iOS is friendlier in terms of native code and device configurations, but you additionally have the problem of GPL license incompatibility with the App Store, so Blender couldn’t be distributed on there. The only alternatives would be to require jailbroken phones, or to have users register as Apple developers and compile Blender themselves.

Windows Phone (which I assume your Lumia phone is running) is the absolutely worst mobile platform to port to. Applications are locked to the Windows Store, the platform APIs are extremely limited compared to full Windows on x86 processors and there’s no support for OpenGL at all. A lot of stuff would have to be reimplemented from scratch. On top of that, Windows Phone has so few users that even high-profile companies with comparably simple applications aren’t in a hurry about porting to Windows Phone.

You might see the work on the Android port picked up again in the future, but don’t hold your breath for iOS or even Windows Store versions of Blender.

IRT: BeerBaron

(Keep in mind: I’m not saying this is a good idea) but… rather than try to wade through the catastrophe you thoroughly described, porting Blender to HTLM 5.0 via WebGL and some such other magic and non-sense would probably be way more practical. (Again, I didn’t say this was a good idea, just possibly more feasible).

The other option, which is something I am in the process of testing, is 4G capable VNC for remote controlling a networked workstation via the net. (yes I know that sounds crazy and ambitious too, probably is, but there is a good open source VNC “turboVNC” which is specifically designed for 3D and just this month got updated to support Pressure and Tilt input. Anyways, I’ll let the forum know how that experiment goes after a few hardware purchases.

If you really need Blender on a phone, maybe the latest Windows phones that can run full Windows 10 via continuum could do the job? I’m not sure this functionality is available to consumers yet, but Microsoft recently showed off their phones docking with a mouse, keyboard and monitor and running Windows 10:

Also, I’m not sure you can run full apps unless the phone is docked, and I wonder if you can run arbitrary apps, or only aps that support continuum explicitly. Still, it’s worth investigating.

I’m not a big fan if Windows, but I have to admit that continuum is extremely cool. Ubuntu were trying to do something similar a few years ago, but their Kickstarter fell short of it’s ludicrous 32 million dollar goal (to their credit, I think they got about half way there). I hope Linux does get their eventually, however, I suspect it will be difficult because Android is largely controlled by Google (despite being open source) and I very much doubt it’s in Google’s interest to make full Linux available to their average user. Nevertheless, fingers crossed :slight_smile:

sorry man this just a bad idea.
everybody else already explained why so…

But you know what would work though?

Say you could assign your phone to some certain “macro buttons” and have some sort link between blender and your phone
and say you could assign one of the buttons to…

“Set origin to Geometry”

and have the phone next to your keyboard

Essentially a macro like the ones in those 50+$ keyboards

i talked about rendering on my tegra 3 before

i have a chuwi hi8 intel atom tablet which is x86 and comes with windows 10 and android preinstalled… it was 80 dollars :slight_smile: decent and can run blender but might as well not lol

what about a thousand 4 year old smartphones as a beowulf cluster :smiley:

I’m aware of this and I left it out of my reply, because the situation is complicated and I’m not 100% certain what the situation of Windows 10 ARM devices (i.e. phones) is going to be.

To my understanding, you cannot build “legacy” desktop applications (with the exception of MS Office) on Windows for ARM (formerly called Windows RT), because Microsoft doesn’t offer the old Windows desktop APIs on ARM. All other developers will need go through the Windows Store and use the much more limited APIs I was referring to earlier.

This video is misleading in that it makes it look as if you could run regular existing Windows 10 desktop applications on your phone, but those applications cannot even be ported without massive rewrites, due to the aforementioned limitations. If those restrictions get lifted however, you might see more classic Windows applications get ported to ARM.

Having said all that, “continuum” is a feature that is also useful for tablets, and afaik all Windows 10 tablets run on low-power x86 processors. Those tablets can run existing desktop applications. In the future, you might also see x86-based Windows 10 phones that can run unmodified Blender.

Having said all that, “continuum” is a feature that is also useful for tablets, and afaik all Windows 10 tablets run on low-power x86 processors. Those tablets can run existing desktop applications. In the future, you might also see x86-based Windows 10 phones that can run unmodified Blender.
kickstart Blender phone

I was bored, but it would take approx. 3 NVidia FTX 980Ti’s to match the theoretical compute power of 1000 4 year old phones (Galaxy S3 Exynos 4412 Quad’s GPU)

Not to include overhead, vRAM/RAM and feasibility to actually run something on a phone :slight_smile:

iPad Pro is faster than most laptops, especially the GPU is impressive. You could make an awesome 3D app for it with sculpting via the Pencil.

With the overhead needed to put together 1000 cellphones/tablets/raspberry pies, You can most likely get about 4 of these , And apply 96 cpu cores with 128 gig of ram to your rendering solutions.

Granted its not as fast as a gpu, But it will stare down a 20 gig scene and plow though it like a farm tractor.

Only because most laptops these days are cheap chromebooks :wink:

only a true masochistic would want this. Sluggish processes that have made multi tasking a selling point again(like we are back in the 90’s), tiny miserable screens