Something will happen

Hi! I don’t know where this thing it’s going to take me. But I wanted to start right here…
Let me know what do you think and you can share with me your ideas of what this may end up being…

I used to work with DAW software, or digital music studio like Steinberg. And that had a lot of whistles and bells and buttons etc. Thoses buttons were leading me. Years later I realised I never really tried my ideas.
Now I make the same mistake with blender. All those addons are leading me instead that I lead them with my creativity.

You are asking what this may end up being…
I would like to say that only you have the very best answer. Its somewhere there already and thats what it has to be.
But ok, if you ask me…
ehh… The mirror is a gateway to a sience fiction futuristic metro station. I see people flashing ( they have a neon/bioluminance suit) through the mirror. At the very back there is even a much bigger building, and it looks almost like a planet. ( blue and white glary)