Mocap-BVH retargeting issue


maybe someone could gave me a hint what to do:

i have a bvh-file from brekel pro body. When i retarget it to my blender model it somethimes won´t move at all or when it does then the bones does not move but the whole character is “flying” around in space… is there something wrong with the pivot-point?

how are you retargeting it to your blender model?

i use the blender mocap-plugin. I select the performer and then the enduser and then sign each bone to the correlating. Afterwards i also sign the feet-button and then klick retarget. When the process of retargeting is finished my enduser is selected (red) and when i click play on the timeline the performer modell does all the movements but the enduser is just a little bit shaking (but bones do not move) or is flying through space (also without moving bones).