How to increase your video viewcount

A quick ‘infographic’ style tutorial going over some tips on how to increase your chances of higher viewcounts.


But now, “an old-phart contrarian viewpoint” … why-the-hell does it matter?" :eek:

“Somewhere along the way,” in this supposedly-brave, supposedly-new supposedly-world that we all called “the Intenet,™” all of us (allegedly …) "fell in love with “eyeballs,” at the expense of:

“do-re-mi” == r-e-v-e-n-u-e!"

Bottom line: "if those eyeballs do not pay to be there … and/or they do not in aggregte drive the behavior of other interested commercial parties … then there is no money on this table for you. Period. :frowning:

What difference does it make if “however (million?!) folks on Planet Earth” ‘like’ you … or, merely ‘view’ you … if, at the end of the day, “they have no US-Dollars-Moving(!) skin in the game?” This, by itself, is nothing more than Neilsen Ratings: a theoretical measure of black-and-white screens. Absent “a reason for bored housewives to go there,” and the existence of “a credible market-force to drive them there,” you are basically … “an advertisement-carrier.”

Just sayin’ …

This was a very good tips

This video was mainly to help out anyone starting out with YouTube (which would have helped me 3 years ago). Imagine you spent hours making a helpful video tutorial and it never passed 100 views, even months after. You would probably feel insulted and stop spending time on them. This is why I made this tutorial, to help creators reach larger audiences so their time isn’t wasted.
Monetizing the content is the creators choice, and if they don’t want to they don’t have to.

Only thing I think you missed was the attraction of continuous content. That is the idea that viewer tend to ‘return’ to things they like, and will want to look at your other content. So don’t start with 1 upload, start with at least 2. The second one should be at least somewhat related to the first but engender some brand awareness. This will encourage people to view your content as a source of information/entertainment, instead of a fun one-off view.

Yes this is true, I forgot to mention how important consistency is within a YouTube channel and why you should stick to a “theme” as this is the reason people will subscribe to your channel.

I only use YouTube to demonstrate my assets to clients. Is there anyway to divide your channel into two parts like one for entertainment and the other for asset demonstrating purposes



Thank you. I’m Nita…a professional writer in a research writing service company. I’m new here. Anyway, hope blenderartists enhance my knowledge