"Stretch" option in UV image editor

Hello developers.It is actually suggestion. There is “Stretch” option in UV editor. But it works not correct as i think. What for it actually needed? I guess to allow artist to view/compare stretch ratio of polygons of UV map. Wich can be calculated by formula ratio = suare_of_uv_polygon / square_of_3D_polygonOf course this value should be normalized between minimal ratio (lets say blue color) and maximal ratio (red for example). Anyhow term “stretch” can be used for polygon or face. But not for vertex. What we have instead? When “Stretch” option turned on blender coloring vertices, so some polygons have gradient fill. I understand that it can be done because engine of vertex colors used, but as i said term “Stretch” have no sense for vertices. So currently this option does not show correct how regular stretch ratio of polygons of UV map. Lets say its a wish how it should work in future versions. With best regards. Billy Bons.