Enable running scripts from command line

I´ve got Blender installed on an Amazon AWS Ubuntu server. On this server I can only run Blender from the command line.
I want to start Blender in the background and bake a fluid sim.
I tried this on my home computer. I start Blender and execute a script which calls bpy.ops.bake.fluid() from the command line.

It works at home but it does not on the Amazon computer. I assume this is because the “Auto Run Python Scripts” checkbox is not checked in the System Preferences.

How can I check this button without starting Blender? Is it possible from the console? Or can I edit some preference file somewhere?

The workflow is the following:

  • I upload my fluid sim file to the Amazon server
  • I upload the pythonscript (BakeFluid.py) to the server
  • I run:
blender -b ~/BlenderFiles/Testfile.blend -P ~/BlenderFiles/BakeFluid.py
  • Then I get the error message.

Read new prefs: /home/ubuntu/.config/blender/2.76/config/userpref.blend
ALSA lib confmisc.c:768:(parse_card) cannot find card '0'
ALSA lib conf.c:4248:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:392:(snd_func_concat) error evaluating strings
ALSA lib conf.c:4248:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_concat returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1251:(snd_func_refer) error evaluating name
ALSA lib conf.c:4248:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:4727:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:2239:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default
AL lib: alsa_open_playback: Could not open playback device 'default': No such file or directory
read blend: /home/ubuntu/BlenderFiles/Testfile2.blend
Blender quit

Oh, never mind, I´m a moron. It works. The errors appear to be something else but the fluids get baked.