Bug or not?

I think there is a bug in my Blender 2.76.
When I finnish run Cell Fracture my second layer teapot look like this. I using default settings.

Do you guys out there have any solution on that problem.

Thanks in advance.


Can I get help why Cell Fracture stop.

Is that Blender’s teapot primitive?
If so, I’d guess you’re seeing this because that teapot is a pretty horrible, “non-solid” mesh with overlapping geometry. Fix the mesh and try again.

It is because your teapot is non manifold
fill the holes and merge the vertexs
or you can just apply a solidify modifier before the fracture

or you can just apply a solidify modifier before the fracture

Thank you for helping.
Tutorials say nothing about Solidify Modifier.
Now I know.
Thanks once more.