too much noise

Hello everyone
could someone look at this picture and give a tip why i’m getting to much noise in some areas there and nothing on the area marked blue. Thanks

if you posted the .blend

then maybe we could

turn up the lights

here is blend

This seems an invalid attachment. You can share your .blend here:

Attachment is invalid. Two things I notice in your render settings

  1. You are clamping direct, almost always a bad idea. Set direct to 0 (off)
  2. You have set max bounces for diffuse to 0. Make that at least 1 or 2.

That might just fix it, but looking at you render it looks less like sampling noise, and more like bump. It’s not visible in your marked areas because of shadow. If those don’t work, as YAFU recommends, use pasteall or dropbox.

it was a bump issue on the outer pipe

Appreciate for support :slight_smile: