Erosion Channel

Quick test using noise scaled to elevation, plus some weird AO just for kicks.

quite cool, more about it?

really cool… I also am interested in some more info

Im in the middle of production atm, and another large project in preproduction. As usual, ive taken on WAY too much. I will try to remember to post the noodles next time im taking a break at my workstation.

sure, looking forward for it :slight_smile:

Very cool, I would love to see how you created this as well!

Sorry guys.

Here is the blend file:

erosion.blend (2.73 MB)

The file should be packed, but if not, simply replace the height field with one of your choosing and reference it in the image texture node. Be certain to use linear color on the height map. If you use new geometry, make sure that the UV map is a planar projection from the top view (provided that you’re using a plane). There are about 65K polys in the viewport, and a butt-ton in the final render.

I quickly named the shader parameters, so I am unsure if they make a lot of sense. This wasn’t modeled out mathematically, just a result of noodling around.

It looks more complicated than it is.