(pay)Looking for a Native American model in blender


I need a native American model in blender for my game.
If anyone could do it for me, I will pay 15 dollar for it.

What quality do you expect for 15 dollars?

This ^ …

Use this. Take the amount of time you value as $15.
Enjoy or make a better offer or buy models.

I can make one for you. Do you want the traditional style, with feathers and a bow, and about how many faces do you want?

How about this? It’s fully rigged, with good topology. Tell me if you want any modifications made. I’ll sell it to you for 20 dollars.

And some pics of the fine topology…

huehueuhe that’s 15 $ quality alright.

I’ll probably post it for $95 on CGtrader. I wouldn’t sell it for $20 if I couldn’t use the base mesh for other characters.