ugly seams in baked normal map

I’m trying to make a golf ball normal map (but I can’t show you golf ball, for reasons)

Here’s something very similar that’s showing the same errors.

I started with a rounded cube and unwrapped each side into an island. You can see they are split up nicely and have good margins. However, the seams are looking really bad.

I’m working with unreal engine, so maybe there’s a better way than using blender to bake the normal maps.

It’s possible I can make seams and unwrap the golf ball without cutting through any dimples, but this seems super complicated. (and I’m probably going to have to do it anyways)

Edit: This is what I ended up doing - with some fancy mesh creation, but the original question still stands.

i used to play a lot of golf ( on a league years ago)
balls have rather REGULAR ( the pattern IS patented and the ball companies ENFORCE the patents ) depressed dimples .
Ether round or hexagon or octagon

your CUBE map is a bit off and it looks like you are repeating the last line or 2 on each face

there really should be no need for that “stretch” of the last row or 2 on each face of the cubemap
like this simple cylindrical

and converted to a cubemap
–WARNING-- the normals might be off this is a direct convert of the above simple cylindrical map
this really SHOULD be done on the DISPLACEMENT map