Eclipse to qtcreator on ubuntu 64


I’ve been building blender using eclipse, and have decided to have a look at qtcreator.

Need advice on

i) do i set up a whole new build folder using cmake, if so which generator do you recommend.
ii) or can i use the old one with the cmake cache generated for eclipse
iii) if (i) is there an easy way to re-use the cmake cache settings from the old eclipse build eg ffmpeg libraries.

I have not tried this yet but I know a few things about cmake.

  1. You can create a new folder/directory i.e. cmakebuildqt and go in there.
    If you type cmake command, choose the generator, and set the source path you will be able to generate the project.
    e.g. cmake -G “…” ./…

The generator must be one for QT and the source path will be the parent folder (because now you are in cmakebuildqt)

  1. Perhaps it will not be a good idea, you could generate it from scratch.
  2. I am not sure about this. :slight_smile:

Use cmake -G “Unix Makefiles”

after, from buid directory generate QTCreator project files using the qtcreator script into blender build_files directory: python3 …/blender/build_files/cmake/