Making one mesh follow another (cornea push)

I need to have an eye mesh deform an eyelid mesh like what you see at the very beginning of this:
You can see the cornea pushing the eyelid out when the eyelid is closed(because eyes are not perfect spheres) and not going through the eyelid mesh.

Is this possible in Blender, and the Blender Game Engine? Having this would make things so much more realistic. Thanks for any help.

You could use shape keys to deform part of a mesh when an eye closes. As the eye closes, th mesh deforms

Here is the Blender classic tutorial on eye rigging:

Richard Marklew - That would work but it would be very time consuming if I had to do many eye animations, or if I wanted to have the eyes follow objects in real time(which I do). The character would look at everything in a different way every time.

ridix - That’s a very good tutorial, but I have already seen it and implemented some of it into my project and it doesn’t really solve my problem. I need to have basically, a real time bulge that goes wherever the cornea is going. You can see it in the video I posted in the first second, and then the eye opens and you don’t really see it anymore in the whole video. It’s very quick.

See how the cornea sticks out?

you can solve this problem with the cast modifier in a very easy way.


test.blend (493 KB)

Unfortunately your solution does not work in the game engine. It would work fine for a cool cycles render, but as you can see in my blend file, the animation does not show up once you press ‘P’. Maybe I’m doing something wrong? There’s also the problem of getting the mesh with modifiers on it to show up at all. I had to put an always sensor and a visibility actuator on it to stop it from disappearing in game.


TestTest.blend (687 KB)

Bumb…still would like to know if someone has an idea.