color rendering issue

I have just started learning Blender. A few weeks ago, I created a very simple animated logo intro. I rendered it and it worked flawlessly at first. Today, when I opened the same .blend file again and pressed f12, the rendered color was totally different. It’s weird because I didn’t change anything. What’s wrong?
Sorry for the newbie question, I hope you can help me understand the problem.
Thank you!


Arganza3-anim7.blend (3.25 MB)

Missing textures show up as pink. You have an environment texture which is missing from your scene. Because it can’t find the texture it shows as pink so lights the scene with its pink colour.
Make sure blender can find the texture or remove it from the background

since you are a beginner i thought i would simplify in case you didnt understand what he said.

if you go to the wold settings you will see that the color is set to enviroment texture, this means that this texture will be wrapped around you scene and be used as a light source.
as he said, a missing texture will display as pink, so the reason the scene is pink is because you moved the texture from its original location on your computer.

when dealing with textures, i would recomend you to make a folder for the blend project, and place the textures in that folder before you import it into blender, or have a spesific folder with all your textures. this way they will always be in the same place, and you wont have to deal with this again.

i use dropbox for all my blend files, and textures, this means i can sync it to other computers and being able to open the latest saved file with all textures in place.

to solve your problem, simply click the tiny Folder icon next to the name of the texture shown on the image i uploaded, and relocate the texture. however since the scene is so simple, i would actually use a solid color in the world tab. this way you wont have to worry about the texture at all, and it will be easier to render.
to do this, click where it sais “environment texture” and to the right, click Disconnect.

Problem solved! Thank you very much for the thorough explanation.