animating 2-3 min video (help)

Hey guys, i am new into animating, i mean im not that good practiced on it and i’d like to make a animationvideo for rap songs, that means 1 or 2 characters will have to be moving on different worlds (scenes), can anyone give me ideas on how to make this easy ? cus im sure animating its kind of complex.


It cannot be made easy - have you done any character building and animation before, if the answer is “No” or “Very Little”, I suspect you will be on a steep learning curve for now. May I suggest you start off with a copy of MakeHuman to make your characters, Import them into Blender - select the MakeHuman add-ons in User Prefs, particularly the Import MakeHuman one. Then teach yourself some basic animation, the MakeHuman models should be rigged for you (you specify you want this) with the Rigify add-on. Once you have got this far its planer sailing to pose them and make an animation, but it’s NOT easy and NEVER will be!

Cheers, Clock.

Yes i made few things here and there i can model, not such a beginner, animations i have trouble making them abit cus i dont know its kind of complex like i said with the frames and everything.
makehuman i used it few times yes its for really noobs ofc its good but still u know rigify etc i try to pose but i dont dig it that much and results are really bad ;d