Mesh has bumps and dents in it after applying rotation and or scale

Hi, Im new here and was wondering if some of you pros could help me fix this model.

I have no idea why this is happening but it even shows in game. But the verts are not bumpy. This is a shadow map or something malfunctioning.

Here is a before and after transformation to see what happens…

Any help would be appreciated!

Check your materials are correct
Check for any modifiers that shouldn’t be there
Check your face normals

Please supply demo file with a part of the car body that shows this effect (pack textures into blend file before saving from File / External Data menu)

There was an issue like this that came up recently, it had to do with the shader-based autosmoothing feature.

Perhaps the issue is that you made use of custom normal data and it failed to adjust itself when the scaling was applied. This might even be a bug which should be reported.

I fixed this problem by simply exporting the file as a .obj then reimporting.

All texturing and so on was good to go. Looks great in game!

Ty for your help, but as of fixing it in that blender file without exporting…I have no clue. Could be a blender bug… not sure… will show you pics of it in game soon :slight_smile:

Not perfect on the front mesh but eh I didnt make the entire model, I just cleaned it up…

Ty again… and enjoy!

My guess is that it could be a mismatch between object mode scale and edit mode scale. (Since exporting to and re-importing from .obj fixes it.) Not sure how that would affect texture coordinates, but it might. CTRL-A and applying scale would fix it if that’s the case.