First Time Generic Human Body


I’m not use to doing this kind of thing, but I know getting advice/critique is important to my growth, so here we go…

This is my first time attempting creating a human/cartoonish style model (or much of anything really), and wanted to see what other people feel about my progress before I start refining it.

I don’t usually share any of my art, so please be gentle.

looks as a nice low poly
if you want more cartoon style, perhaps make legs a bit shorter (like flint stones or other cartoons), and the head a bit taler.
you might set a picture in the background so you can check it with cartoon proportions (they are not like real people dimensions).

Looks like a good start! Before you go further, you should decide on that kind of cartoon style your going for. If you can draw, draw a concept sketch, if not, use Google images to find something you want it to resemble.

Also take a look at the topology of the face and head. If you are planning on animating it in the future, that’s an important thing to consider.