Flamenco - Network Rendering - 1 node Linux cluster up and rendering!

I have been really wanting a Network Render with Blender for a long time, so much to the point where I did some initial coding of my own. But then I heard about Flamenco, and checked it out. I’m really happy the Blender Foundation / Gooseberry Project is working on this. A Blender supported Network Render is going to be much better than anything I could have came up with on my own.

Flamenco is in Beta (Alpha?) state. Getting it installed and running is tricky. Fortunately I’m a seasoned admin and coder, and troubleshooting this is right up my alley.

So I documented it (processes, error messages, and screen shots) of what it took for me to get it running on a Linux server. I hope this helps anyone trying to get Flamenco running:

My next round will be to add another node to the cluster. I have a Windows and an OS X computer that are capable or modern rendering. I have an older Linux box that I think I could get to work if I get a modern NVIDIA card for it.
