Aligning Text to Textures After Unwrap?

Please forgive me if this has been asked before, but after a quick forum search, I didn’t happen across anything particularly useful.

Does anyone have any tips for aligning text to a face after unwrapping the UV’s of said face? I’m still pretty new to working with textures in Blender and I’m not quite sure how to go about getting the right line-up. Basically, what I’d like to do is add bits of text above and to each side of the knobs of the amp head pictured below, but after unwrapping the front face to a square island, it feels like I’m just taking shots in the dark to get things to line up correctly. Each piece of the amp is a separate piece of geometry, if that makes any difference. I’m also having a bit of trouble sizing the text correctly in Photoshop to avoid any stretching. I’m sure there is a simple solution or there’s something I’m overlooking, but I’m not quite sure where to begin.

You don’t have to use the same UV map for the text as you do for the rest of the object. You’ve also failed to include basic information such as what renderer you will be using.

You can uv unwrap the face you want to apply the texture to and in the texture mapping use that new UV map.
You can apply any text as decals such as

Both engines now support object coordinates from another object which can be used for decals.