Exporting texture as uv map?

So, I have been modelling a building and I need to uv map it. The thing is, I hate UV mapping and it just takes way too much time. I have been texturing my models using cycles render. I just imported a picture, selected the faces I wanted the texture to be applied on and finally applied it in the compositing mode.

Is there any way to export the UV map with all the textures from the model applied to it, instead of exporting a blank UV map?

Use texture baking

Thank you, you have solved my problem sir :slight_smile:

Question is already answered but there are many terminology issues

An UV map is a set of coordinates that go with the geometry and are also exported that way.

A texture is procedural or image based array of values that control some aspects of a material/shading, a texture map is a specific type of texture. http://www.reallusion.com/iclone/Help/iClone3/15_Multiple_Channel_Texture_Mapping/Types_of_maps.htm

Texture placement on the object surface can be done using UV coordinates (2D -> 3D). Render engine can save the processed information on an image using UV coordinates (3D -> 2D, baking). Material assigned image texture and baking target image have to be different, otherwise the source of the information would be the same as where the processed information gets saved on, and you get a circular dependency error.

There is no compositing mode. There is compositing screen layout that consist of multiple editors organized for compositing task. One of the node tree types in the node editor is compositing, also known as compositor. Although it’s possible to use textures and uv maps in the compositor, you are probably using material node tree instead. http://getblended.org/screens/nodetypes.png