foot slide on walk cycle

Hi I am trying to do a walk as part of my animation and because my computer seems to be a little slow to render at the 24fps rate i am getting foot slide when it moves. is there an easy solution to animate it. I also need to know if i can speed up the render process somehow. I am using a low res image to animate and simplify on my subdivisions but it still is slower when i play back my animation making it extremely difficult to get the timing right.

any help would be really appreciated

You’ll need to do some “playblasts” of your animation. You can do a quick render of your scenes and frames by using this button. (1.)
This is the OpenGL render. It’s very fast. You can hide your sets for this to make it even faster. Only render what is important to your animation/timing.

In your Output tab, pick a folder to save your images too. (2.) The set up I have in the image will create a new image for every frame and put it in your folder. Also, it will overwrite the images if you re-render later on.

You’ll need a program that can play back image sequences as video. I use djv-view.

This is my workflow:

  1. Render OpenGL preview. (I also add frame number stamps to each image. The tools to add scene info is located in the Metadata tab, just above the Output tab.)

  2. Open images in DjView

  3. Make notes on timing or other issues to be worked on for a small number of frames.

  4. Re-time and tweek in Blender

  5. Re-render only the frames/images that have been changed/polished. (Select a new start and end frame in the dimensions tab, located above metadata and output. Don’t re-render the whole animation, only the frames you are working on!)

  6. Rinse, Repeat

Your foot sliding issues may need to be addressed in the graph editor. Make sure your foot is stationary until the next step. Check your IK foot location keys in the graph editor.

I never spend time rendering anything in full resolution, until the animation is fully done/polished. It’s a huge waste of time. Also, blender has enough to think about with your rigs and set pieces. It’s almost never possible to get a full frame rate in blender on slower machines.

I hope that helps.

Good luck!