help with this blend file - cloth physics .

I need some help to fix cloth on try every settings , but seam this not working.
Can help me ? Also some infos will be great.

You try this:
Select the body and add a subdivision surface modifier. In the modifires stack move subsurf up to the first place.
Select the dress. In cloth “Steps” under Quality put a value of 8 (or slightly more). In cloth collision > “Distance” put a value of 0.4 (or 0.5).

I saw this tutorial :
Try to see my blend file because I used your idea:
also I used all default setting from Cloth Presets.
The character has more low poly - make with makehuman , so if I use the subdivision surface modifier tool will be ugly.
The dress is also a t-shirt from makehuman software with some extrude changes.
The purpose of this is to make a avatar so I need to used this objs.

need more help !


I used mhx2 . The mhx2 working with makehuman and blender.
I install the script with last Blender and MakeHuman.
Working well but also at frame 160 I got this error cloth.
My setting and blend file can be found
Is created by Thoms .

mythcat, have you ever looked what would be the real world size of your creation if 1 BU was 1m ?

I’m asking not because this was an error and if you had scaled objects Cloth sim would do something different, no, just because there are notes around saying some of the Blender’s physics calculations might be based upon metric system, weights, quotients of elasticity, IORs… all that stuff they tend to put data on Wikipedia pages…
And then this could have had been the reason Cloth sim would not work for you.

However, no, after some tinkering i’m having firm opinion that either i have hands growing from inappropriate places, being born on Mars and having totally different understanding on how many whales Earth stands upon or this Cloth thing is simply broken (if it was working for examples different from simple subdivided Plane at all).

One more thing - what was you expecting Cloth sim would do for otherwise already nicely fit garment? Some folds on the lower part?

Also, I think something bad has happened this time when export the model from MakeHuman. You hide the dress and you can see that the model lacks the body. You need that part of the body as collision for the cloth simulation can be performed correctly.
Here I modified your first file a bit:
I unlocked the transforms and resizing the model. In the dress I have corrected some overlapped areas in the neck. I added a sudsurf modifier in the body first in the stack, I think more geometry is needed for better simulation (I do not understand why you did not want subsurf there). In cloth I used “Steps” Quality=10. In Cloth Collision, Distance=0.025.
In cloth I’ve also added a subsurf in the end of the stack, but that is only for the dress look better, it is not related to the quality of the simulation.
So, play animation and simulation looks stable for me. As “eppo” has recommended if you are unhappy with the result, maybe you should tell us what you expects from what should be the result.

Here a simple animation using shape key to see how the clothing behaves: