Inspirational Animations & VFX

In the same vein as the “Inspirational Timelapses” thread, I thought it would be cool to share animations or visual fx shorts that inspire people here on the forums. Whilst I know there will be someone posting the Blender shorts, and that’s cool, but I’m hoping like the other thread to find new things we might not otherwise have seen if not for fellow travellers here :slight_smile:

My first one is one I found very touching :slight_smile:

You can lose HOURS in this channel. All kinds of CG in this one - 2D animation, 3D animation, vfx, etc. Worth a look

This threads are a pretty cool idea @BTolputt, I hope a lot of people see them :slight_smile:

More than sharing specific videos, I’d like to share the sites I check the most to find not just inspiration but also tutorials, timelapses, making offs, and industry news:

