Character Goes Through Walls v2.75a

I am working on a game in blender 2.75a, 64bit. The problem that I am having is whenever my character is moving too fast (holding down the direction key), it’ll go through the walls. Whenever I’m not got going fast (tapping the direction key) it works fine. I am using servo controls. Dynamic is selected and Actor is checked in physics for the character. Static is selected for the walls. I have tried a lot of different settings with no success. I’m running Windows 10 64bit. I looked through the movement tutorial, but it seems to be written for an older version of blender and therefore it’s hard to follow. Can someone please help me. Thanks.

How fast are you trying to move? At fast enough speeds, an object will travel past a wall and thus through its collision bounds. You can imagine in reality, game objects are not really ‘in motion’, but are teleporting tiny distances through space and re-appearing at their new spot…collision/physics are just estimated from there, so it’s not full-proof. If, in one frame, you move more distance than your width, you could easily ‘skip’ right through a wall plane and be on the other side, and collision would never had read you as ‘close enough’ to the wall to collide.

The origins of your objects, their scale, and collision bound types are also important. What are those set to?
Better yet, can you share a blend file showing your problem?

You can solve the problem with high-speed object collision with some python, but there may be a more straight-forward way to fix your issue.

It can also be a problem with the walls. Are they triangle mesh type collision bounds? for good solid walls it’s best to use invisible cubes with box type collision.