Importing Mandelbulber surfaces/object to Blender

How can I import Mandelbulber objects to Blender ?
It would be great as landscapes and animation.
Is ti possible to implement fractal software in Blender ? It has great lightning, tonemap presets.
Rendering takes time.
Btw, Mandelbulber has slow renderer on my CPU
Mandelbulb3d is a it faster.

AFAIK there is no easy way, you can’t do this directly.
You can make a bunch of photos/renders from one point in the fractals and stitching them together.
Then you have a 3d object, but with very high density end export this into blender.

Thx, Photofly is a renderfarm ? I can’t find it.
I used volume voxel data from Mandebulb3d but I can’t easily use that mesh as scene landscape.