Grapple Hook 'Start point'

Grapple Hook ‘Start point’

things implemented

fly to a place you aim at with shift + F and aiming

fly to a moving enemy = aim at enemy and shift + F

not implemented
(Real mouse look)

import bge
from mathutils import Vector

cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()

own = cont.owner

if own['EffectTime']>0:
    if 'head' not in own:
        for child in own.childrenRecursive:
            if 'head' in child:
                print('found head')
        if own['EffectTime']>=(120):
            if type(own['Target']) is str:
                print('Casting Ray')
                AXIS = 1
                   ## if head forward axis is X AXIS = 0
                    ## if head forward axis is Y AXIS = 1
                   ## if head forward axis is Z AXIS =  2
                RANGE = 100
                end = own['head'].worldPosition+(own['head'].worldOrientation.col[AXIS]*RANGE)
                start = own['head'].worldPosition
                Ray = own.rayCast(end,start,0,'',0,0,0)
                   ## cast ray to find grapple target
                if Ray[0]:
                        ##if Ray[0] = did you hit something? 
                    if 'Enemy' in Ray[0]:
                            ## is it a moving enemy ?(a object with the property enemy) if it is he is your target
                               ## if the hit object is not a enemy grab the hit location rather then the enemy object as the target
                ## if own['Target'] is not a string then it is either a enemy or a vector
                Point = (0,0,0)
                ## to avoid issues with throwing a error
                if type(own['Target']) is not Vector:
                    if not own['Target'].invalid:
                        Point = own['Target'].worldPosition
                        ## if the target is a game object and did not get deleted set you target as where the enemy is
                    ## if the type is not a string (empty) or game object it is a worldPostion 
                    Point = own['Target']
                if Point!=(0,0,0):
                    VectorToTarget = Point-own.worldPosition 
                    strength = 200
                    max_speed = 20
                    if own.worldLinearVelocity.magnitude<(max_speed):
                        own.applyForce((0,0,9.8),0) ## cancel gravity

object 1 = player body (running script)
object 2 = player mouse look head (has property head)

keypress-------------and----------effect time=1
effect time=0-------/

if effect time min: 1 max: (end length-1)-------and-------add 1 to effect time

if effect time = end length -----------and------------effect time = - 120 (cool down)

if effect time is less then 0-------------and------------add 1 to time

(this is just to time the duration of the effect (you can always abort by setting the value of time to a negative number)

if effect time min 1 max end length----------python


Grapple2.blend (519 KB)

Sounds like Grapple Hook from metroid prime series