Trouble Rigging a Deer.

Hello! Im having trouble rigging my deer which i would like to animate. When I parent the body and the legs to the armature with automatic weights I always get the same error message, “Bone Heat Weighting: failed to find solution for one or more bones”. May you guys/girls please help me fix this, I would really appreciate it. DeerRigging.blend (576 KB)
Thank you all. :slight_smile:

Auto-weighting doesn’t like non-contiguous geometry at all (thanks for making me learn this). Separate all loose parts first, parent them to the armature with auto-weighting, then join them all back into as many pieces as you like.

That said, this model is so simple that I’d paint the weights myself, but I’m wired that way.

Thank you very much. Im kind of new to blender so i never even knew what weight painting was. (Thanks for making me learn this :)!) Also thanks for teaching me what to do in case this ever happens again with a more complex model. :smiley: