A Mazing (Ludum Dare)

Hi everyone, its been a while, but now I would like to ask for your input on my project for Ludum Dare. The concept behind the game is simple, explore and get all the people wandering the maze. My main curiosity is how well this game runs on other peoples systems in its current state, if I could get your help with that I would much appreciate it. Just open it up in blender make sure your on layer 1 of the Main scene, play it, and let me know how it ran.

Unfortunately only windows users will be able to run the file due to the process I use to generate the maze.

Heres the file: A Mazeing.zip (709 KB)
For Linux/Mac: A Mazeing(No Generator).zip (523 KB)

Here’s a short video of me walking around one of the mazes:

Here are some screen shots:

No feedback at all? Could you even run it? Its past the submission deadline now but I’m still curious? Anyone?

my downloader avoids your file. Hm you better put a video or gif

I use linux, so I am unable to run the maze generator.

I’ll add a video soon, and I’ll upload a new version without the random generation (There are some pre-generated mazes in the files) so that other people can give it a try.

could you do something similar with a tile set and some rules as to what tiles are walls, hallway lengths etc

object color zones?

all my tiles in wrectified have object color highlights, and lights that get there color from the object color of the parent,

have a number of ‘Gates’ that require you to get keys before you can pass through to another color section?

Like start in red, need blue key (could be a rocket launcher) to get out of red zone into blue?

maybe use A*? pick a ‘start’ and end point that are at least X units apart on the node graph,

then assign color groups as you go, more then 1 path = more then 1 gate touching a zone?

2 zones exiting zone = at least 2 keys?

Here’s a version that should work on Linux and Mac: A Mazeing(No Generator).zip (523 KB)
You’ll have the same maze every time but at least you can give it a go. I’ll convert my map generator to python on the weekend so everyone can try to maze generation out.

@BluePrintRandom Ya that’s possible its extremely easy to add different blocks to my map generator, I’ll try to get a more complicated example going.


btw , I am going to setup 3d logic node network again as puzzle logic for wrectified, I studied your old code, and have learned alot since then, going to have aimable output and recieving,

(bounce lasers to target to feed power) etc.

It took me a bit to hunt down the issue, but the generator for the linux version still does not work.

In MazeGenerator.GenerateMaze(), I had to change the '\'s to '/'s. Should have been the first thing I checked.

file_dir = "%s/MazeGeneration/Mazes/" % cur_dir

I also had to fix the FOV on the camera (the default value for first-person viewing makes me feel nauseous).

Other than that though, it runs decently! Walking/running speed is terribly slow though. You could also greatly optimize things by using occluder blocks to keep from un-seen blocks from being drawn (I’ve recently achieved such a thing in my random maze generator, and the results are fantastic!). Playing the game in wireframe mode, I notice every object in the scene is being drawn, when in most cases only 3-4 of those objects are actually visible to the player…

I tried using occluder blocks and although they were working, I didn’t see a performance gain (Probably because there would be so many), I did reduce the physics from 20-30% down to 6 though, by unchecking the physics tab in the material settings for the wall blocks. I also have some other ideas of how to improve performance, like only loading blocks around the player, or only the blocks on the current path.

Thanks for the feedback, I’ll try to remember about the slashes next time I upload a file, and the movement will feel a lot better later on:)