would I benefit from a renderfarm?

I´ve got a 17850 frame long animation short I need to render - I use Blenders internal render - as a simple calculation tells me that it would take me 17850 times approx 60 minute to render the whole thing.

Does anyone out there have any experiences with this? Is it worth while timewice? I mean how fast are blender farms now a days?

some of the renderfarms have a cost calculator on there side, there you can see how much it would cost you to render this and how long it would take.

and if you have only 1 machine and want to render these 17,580 frames it would take you 2 years! so any renderfarm would be faster.

thanks for your answer…, sorry I did a mistake - rendering time on my pc is 90 secons per frame, but anyway, can anyone recommend a render farm that specialises on animations??