How Does Rendering Work?

I’ve been reading that a GPU in Cycles can’t render stuff, like SSS. if i have my prefs set up to use Cycles and a GPU, and i create a scene that includes SSS, what happens? Will the GPU be used for everything it can then teh CPU will take over, or will Blender default the whole render to CPU as it knows there are things the GPU can’t do?


Cycles can now render sss with GPU but only if the experimental feature set is enabled. It can render volumetrics with GPU. It cannot (now August 2015) render smoke from a smoke simulation. Just switch your feature set to experimental.

If you try rendering sss with the feature set on supported the sss will render out black.

ta for the info, but what aboutthe original question?

Neither. Cycles can not automatically switch between CPU and GPU rendering within the same render and will always stay with the device you chose. If you enable GPU rendering, it will try to render everything on the GPU.

So, if you have shaders/material in the scene, which can not be rendered on the GPU, the object with that material assigned will most likely just stay black.

ta for the info.