Traceback most recent call error while retopolgizing

Hi guys, after I have sculpted a mesh I wanted to retopologize it using grease pencil strokes, and when I drew a bunch of strokes on the surface I hit “Add Surface” from the Misc tab and this window pops up:

Now to give you a background on the issue, I had downloaded and installed bsurface addon and found out that Blender 2.75 which I am using already has this addon, so I kept receiving this message as well in the addon section:

After I have encountered the Traceback error, I copied the addon again from the zip install file of Blender 2.75 and pasted it in the addon directory to make sure I have the latest version, but still nothing changed and both errors persisted.

I appreciate if anyone could advise on the above.

Thank you.

Oh C’mon guys, no one can help me out? with this 8-packs dude? :smiley: