How can I simplify my renders?

Didn’t know how to word that but basically what I am asking is if I wanted to just have a colour pass is it possible to do this about rendering out everything else and separating it in post ?

For example in Maya I could apply a Surface shader to everything to create object of solid colour for mats or even just as a flat colour look and it was super light on render time because it didn’t need to calculate the bounces and ray tracing.

I feel something like the Toon shader in blender should not be so heavy on render time even in Cycles, also I feel it should be possible to render out a colour pass (diffuse colour)without rendering out everything else along with it, even if it means adding everything to another render layer and changing the shaders to only output colour information somehow?

Is there anything like the surface shader in blender and cycles maybe?

also i feel the render layers should be render engine independent so you can render one layer using cycles and another using internal or some other engine for what ever special benefits each engine offers.

I used to do this a lot with Maya and Mental Ray and Maya software. As some thing just render faster or better in one or the other.

Thanks if anyone can give input for making renders more efficient and flexible! :smiley:

Darn no solution! ?

For lightening fast test renders use opengl, or opengl with a matcap. Here’s an example with a scene I just made. You can render huge animations in a minute or two.

Render menu (up top), opengl render animation, less than 1 minute total for all video frames

Photox. This is for sure the best tip I ever got.
I have always struggle with rendering for days, until I saw your tips to use Open GL Render Animation.

The rendering time tok 2 minutes. Perfect. BUT after I finnish rendering with Open GL Rendering Animation the project turned gray without any color. I don’t understand why. Can you help me with this problem.
I run on a iMac mid 2011 with CPU. I use samples 1000 and rendered in Cycle on Blender 2.75.

Thank you in advance.

Photox. This is absolut the best tip i ever have seen, how to slow down the rendering time. I always struggle days to got my blender project rendered.
This time I created a carpet rolling out on a glossy plank floor.

I never before try to render with Open GL - Render Animation. So, when I press Open GL Render Animation rendering time was only 2 minutes long. Perfect, but everything turned gray ( See B) I don’t understand Why.

I will be very happy if my render time can be less than one hour with samples 500-1000 and att the same time got a good result without noice.
Do anyone out there know how to do that.
Thanks in advance.

I run on iMac mid 2011 with CPU and use Blender 2.75 Cycle.

Hello Photox.

I try to following your tip how to shortening rendering time from days to few minutes, by using Open GL Render Animation as I never done before.

When I press Open GL Render Animation button it tok only few minutes to render, but everything turned gray. I don’t understand why.

Can you take a look att my blend and se whats missing.

Thanks in advance.

Spender, You are seeing the matcap. Uncheck ‘matcap’

@iMacKalle, Spender.
OpenGL render also works in Material or Texture view. So for example, select Texture view. Also in the N panel under Display to choose “Only Render”, thus lines corresponding to the lamps and the curve does not appear. From the numpad keyboard, press the “0” key to get the view from the camera.

Regarding “@Creative Hacker” has asked, I do not know exactly what is referring because I do not know anything about Maya. But you can choose the number of bounces in Render tab > Light Paths.
About “simplify” subject, if you are using a child particles, very subdivided meshes or for example a physic simulations whose performance suffers when the meshes are very subdivided, you have in Scene tab a “Simplify” option to set limits to those things globally. There in “Viewport” settings improves performance for OpenGL render and it also improves performance when you play an animation in the viewport which is useful to test animations.
To simplify the rendering time for volumetric things (but less quality), you can increase a bit the value on “Step Size” in “Volume Sampling” under Render tab.

Hi guys.
I gone back to the long time rendering 4-5 days. Open GL looks strange to me.

Those 6-7 years I been hanging her on Blender Artist forum I have always thought CG Cookie and Blender Artists ar the same company, so when I yesterday come back to Blender Artist I pay for one year by paying to CG Cookie. They told me Blender Artists and CG Cookie ar not the same company and gave me the link to there own forum.
Maybe Blender Artist want me to pay for 2 forum. I don’t.
Goodbye from Spender and iMacKalle.

I do not understand you. ¿Users Spender and iMacKalle is the same person (you)?
Have you been paying money to someone here in Blender Artists? This forum is free, just that in “Get Started In Blender” there is a link to CG Cookie.