dungeon thing

there are some fireflies and I am not good at making people, but I think it works for now. hoping for some feed back so please say whatever is on your mind. thanks :slight_smile:

I like that there is some storytelling aspect put in with the human figure. I also like some of the designs and material/texture work.

But to me the biggest issue with the image is the composition

From top left:

  • It’s a dark image and there are too many glowy things. They have a high value compared to the rest of the picture (contrast) so they act as multiple focal points in this one.
  • Most of which aren’t close to the common focal point areas, near the corners of rule of thirds for example
  • The warm and cool colors might work but they’re too saturated. I desaturated the image quite a bit and it’s still possible to see the colors, although it wouldn’t be so uniformly desaturated if they were real light sources in such room.

Viewers’ eyes scan those multiple focal points and the viewer is left with a question mark, asking where should I look. The intention probably is to have the viewer look at the top part but there’s not much to focus on, no clear interest point.

Just as an exaggerated example, I know exactly which areas you’ll look first in this one

What I did there was flip your image, placed the focal points near the rule of thirds, made shadows/lines/texture density guide to the general area. It’s not great, quite forced, but the viewer won’t be rolling his/her eyes around the image without answers.