Finished Render Result disappears when I switch to Compositor

After several hours of rendering, I opened the render result in the image viewer. I saved as a jpg, but this is what I ended up with.

I tried again, thinking that perhaps I needed to switch to compositor and use the nodes, then open it in the image viewer. The render result I was just looking at after re-rendering it, wasn’t showing up in the image input node, I selected the Render Result down in the Viewer and it was, again, a blank image. The result was completely gone… again. I do have some layers turned off, but all objects in the outliner are switched on for rendering AND visible. I started a new render, so you can see that it is indeed rendering what I want it to.

I’m including my settings, but I don’t think I’ve changed anything since the last time I Rendered and saved images successfully. The only thing that changed is my version of Blender. I haven’t seen any thing else about this problem, so I have no idea what is happening.

Here are the pics of my Render Settings and Render Layers/Passes. Am I missing something? I should also note that combined is selected.

Anyone have any ideas what might be happening? I really need some help here…

Insufficient info.
You said you saved the render as a jpg. In the render window did it look ok ? What did you do to save it ?
What compositor settings?
Material settings ?
Your scene we know nothing about.
Simplify your file so it renders in a couple of seconds. Does ii render ok ? If not supply a link to this file.

And we might really need to see the .blend file, as always… Delete everything from that file except the bare minimum required to to see the issue (camera, lights and some arbitrary mesh, for example).

Save the file under a different name(!), upload it to e. g. pasteall and post the link here.

And Richard was faster. Also as always…:wink:

I will try to create a simplified blend file. I didn’t because it is quite large and I’m slightly scared to mess it up after so much work. I’m not at my computer just now, but I can answer the question. The render appeared to be fine, showing up the way I wanted it to. I opened it in the uv/image viewer, it was still showing fine. I selected save image, saved as jpg. I assumed it worked fine. Later I opened that jpg, it was the correct dimensions, but all black (as shown in the first pic). The second pic shows the render in progress, so there WAS something there. I tried a third time last night, this time double checking to make sure I had an input node and compositor node. I haven’t been able to check it today yet. I included the render pass settings, in case something got unchecked that wasn’t supposed to be, but I never changed it. Also showing my render layers but I assumed if it looks the way I want in the render view, it must be right. I’ve rendered and saved before on a different project, didn’t have any problems, so I am quite puzzled by this.

So it worked this time. The only thing I did different, was I had switched to compositor first, and then started the Render. So now my question is this:
Does there always have to be an input and compositor node already in place in order to save a render? Even if you don’t plan on actually doing any post processing compositing when its done?
If so, then does this always have to be added manually? I thought in the past, it was just automatically there when I switched to the compositor after doing a render.

Other than that, thank you for… um, trying to help me. :eyebrowlift2:

One possibility is you may changed to different scene than which you have rendered.
Blender keeps each scene’s render slots differently
SO try switching Scene and check renders again by pressing F11.
Hope it Solves. It solved mine.