Old Pianist attic - Critique needed on amount of grain / post-processing

Hi everyone!
I need very focused feedback on this image:

I am quite satisfied with the composition, the framing and the lighting. Colour is also fine for me as I was trying to get that old 40-50s photo look.
What I’m mainly concerned about is that grain. See I chose to leave some of the Cycles noise cause I noticed that the image became to “clean” when I pushed it too much, so I reduced from 2000 samples to 200 samples. Now do you guys think there is too much? Should I push a little bit? Also any comment on purely post-processing matter is welcome =)

To your keyboards o/

Photoshop has a good Film Grain filter, and i think GIMP has a similar filter too. Perhaps up the samples to around 750 - 1000, then use post-pro in either PS or GIMP to achieve the grainy result you need.

Okay. I thought something like must exist, but do you think it would be very different from the noise from cycles?

Yeah, cycles noise probably won’t give you enough control. Your going to want to use a special filter or noise texture in post.

Alright. Thanks =) I’ll rerender right away!

i don’t agree rendered noise is real. like captured in camera only in dark areas etc… and noise from filter is everywhere the same. maybe with blending options u can play but… just set at 600 samples and perfect.

No it’s not. Cycles noise it’s in any way the same as camera noise. Camera noise goes across the entire spectrum of light (just look at some noisy images). Camera noise also isn’t a pixel long. It’s almost like splotches. Cycles noise is 1 pixel by 1 pixel. Seriously, find any image that still has it’s full resolution, and compare it to any render. It’s not in any way similar to real world cameras like GI. If you think about it, it makes sense also. A cycles render is the result of scanning (used for lack of a better word, is not entirely accurate) the scene and it’s lighting. A real cameras image is the result of light passing through lenses to focus on a sensor, and then is scanned into an image. It also explains why we don’t get effects like glares, lens flares, lens distortion, lens grit. They all rely on the imperfections in the lens to be generated.

I hope that makes sense.