[Addon] Advanced Boomsmash V0.1 - better OpenGL Preview options for animators.

Hey Boys and girls, I’m gonna share this little project with you.

We developed this addon, with my friend cristian, and we’ve been halted for a while, but i think it’s at a useable stage.

Advanced Boomsmash that sits in the Tools tab in Posemode and in the Animation Tab in Object Mode, and it looks to add options to your current openGL preview animation wich will make it more confortable when you’re going back and for between animation and rendering and such so you dont have to also go back and forth with changing parameters.

*Boomsmash = openGL render.


It turns on stamp only for boomsmash (regardless it’s deactivated for regular rendering)

Only render
Turns on only render for the view you’re boomsmashing.

Gives you a transparent bg (works only if your output supports transparency and there is no background geometry in the shot)

Opens up the player you have set by default with the animation loaded and ready to watch.

If simplify is on (probably is if you’re trying to animate fast) it will turn it off for the boomsmash so you can see your sihlouettes as smooth as they should be.

Use preview range
will boomsmash your preview range only.

Resolution Percentage
it will boomsmash at a percentage of the current render output (just so it renders faster and also you dont have to be going and changing your res back and forth for the actual render output)

Will give your file an output path so you dont actually smash your renders if you have done some.

Things missing that i’d love implemented sooner than later.

1.- Output format
To be able to define a different output format from the actual render one, so you can have your scene set up for rendering in image sequence, but that your boomsmash renders in quicktime.

2.- Incremental
If there is a boomsmash already done that it would add a number

3.- Autonaming (based on scene is a good idea)
A default name that will take the name of the scene and be set to create it’s BS folder with the movies thrown inside them.

4.- Cancel Boomsmash, being able to hit ESC to cancel the creation of a boomsmash.

5.- Replace the “render opengl animation” button with the boomsmash one so this options just settings you can hide for the most part.


Hope you guys can make it your own, implement it in your workflow and if someone is willing to add more to it, please share it back again. =)

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Cooooool! This has to be officially inside blender!!

We believe so too!.. one day. =)