[Bmesh] It has an easy way to know if two vertices belong to an edge?

I have two vertices. And I have a script that says if they belong or not belong to an edge:

if V2 in [x for y in [a.verts for a in V1.link_edges] for x in y if x != V1]:

But I do not know if this is a good solution.
My question is: have a better solution?

It might be more efficient to try to create an edge between the two verts. If there already is one, an exception will be raised. Otherwise, an edge will be created - thus, you need to remove that edge again.

Thanks for the tip :slight_smile: @CoDEmanX
I decided to do a performance test:

import bpy, bmesh, timeit

def test_edge1(V1, V2):
        edge = bm.edges.new([V1, V2])
    except ValueError:
        print('test_edge1: this edge exists')

def test_edge2(V1, V2):
    if V2 in [x for y in [a.verts for a in V1.link_edges] for x in y if x != V1]:
        print('test_edge2: this edge exists')

obj = bpy.context.edit_object
me = obj.data
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(me)

V1 = bm.edges[0].verts[0]
V2 = bm.edges[0].verts[1]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    test1 = timeit.timeit("test_edge1(V1, V2)", setup="from __main__ import test_edge1, V1, V2", number=100)
    test2 = timeit.timeit("test_edge2(V1, V2)", setup="from __main__ import test_edge2, V1, V2", number=100)
    print('resultado:', test1/test2, 'diferenca:', test1-test2)

#bmesh.update_edit_mesh(me, True)

And the result is that really your solution presents a vanishingly performance a little better. It depends on a few factors in mesh.
But I will still continue with the first solution. Because you do not need to remove the edge.