[Addon] Object properties node for Cycles and the compositor

I made a small script to read object properties and pass the value to connected nodes. I use it instead of drivers that I don’t like to setup and have more properties to use than the “Object info” node.

It’s working in the compositor and Cycles materials.

Any feedback or ideas are welcome!

Download the script

Merçi beaucoup VincentG,

Un lourd travail, non? Félicitations pour l’idée et le code!

Nice and useful,
thanks! :slight_smile:

Non, c’est un script assez petit en fait! Fallait juste comprendre comment fonctionnent les custom nodes. Je pensais qu’on ne pouvait pas les utiliser dans Cycles ou le compositor, mais ça marche très bien. Il y a des limitations par contre car c’est impossible de générer une image ou un shader, mais toutes les valeurs sont “drivable” via un node et ça c’est déjà très très pratique.

You may want to change the description… 90% sure it wont work with cycles?

Custom nodes are working with Cycles actually, at least as “driver” for vector/value/color socket, but not images or shaders.

is it possible to have a modifiers value slider work in nodes. like an object type node that works on objects in the scene. have the option to enter a node for the object name, link it to another node that carries the modifiers list. and finally the output, which displays whatever settings from the modifier you chose for the object.

Yes it seems possible. Nodes can do what python can, so I see no reason why it shouldn’t be possible.

Thanks for this! Helps me begin to understand how to prepare custom nodes for cycles.

I am experiencing an error when updating the scene or changing the frame. It has to do with this line:

for node in scene.node_tree.nodes:

The error is:

‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘nodes’