Grid Snapping While Using Edge Tools?

I often find myself in need of the ability to have centimeter-scale grid snapping while using edge tools; particularly when using the bevel tool. Is there a setting I might have missed, or an add-on that allows that? I’m getting really frustrated, having to eyeball a measurement and confirm the edit, only to zoom in and find that I estimated wrong and now have to undo it and try again.

Don’t undo and try again, hit F6 and enter whatever offset you need?

I’ll try that… Any idea what the shortcut is on a Mac laptop? I tried using the function, shift, control, alt/option and command keys along with F6, but nothing happens.

No idea about Mac, sorry. But you can do a search for “Redo Last” in user preferences -> Input.
F6 is the “redo last” panel: immediately after using an operator you can open it and tweak the settings. It’s the same panel that appears on the bottom of toolshelf.

Thanks! That worked perfectly!