Object Interaction Motion Blur Problem

Hey guys,

I’m having a little trouble rendering out an animation of mine where one character hands an object off to a second character. I animated it by giving the object two Child Of constraints, one parented to each character. Over the course of one frame, I have the constraints switching so that it goes from being parented to the first character to the second. During that process, the object goes astray, so I set a LocRotScale key at the first frame, then move it to match where it would be at the second frame. I’m pretty sure that’s the way I’m supposed to do it, so if that’s wrong let me know.
Anyway, even though in the viewport the animation is smooth, the object is actually moving a really far distance over the course of a single frame which makes the motion blur go crazy for just two frames of the animation. Is there some easy way to fix this that I missed?


For what it may be worth to people having a similar problem, I just switched to Vector Blurring in the compositor for those couple of frames. It doesn’t look perfect, but it’s enough to look okay for 2 frames. If anyone has a better way to do it, it’d be appreciated.