Get right vector

I’ve been trying to get the vectors of my character. Found a way to get forward vector of the camera, but not sure how to get the right (or left) and up (or down) vectors. Used camera.getScreenVect(0.5, 0.5), Although it’s possible to specify it as
(0, 0.5) or (1, 0.5), the vector wouldnt be fully right and it also would depend on the camera’s FoV.

you want the forward vector for the player? or his world position or?

object.worldOrientation.col[0] = objects x axis direction as a vector

Yes, this is what i’ve been looking for.

One is glad to be of service, :smiley:

You can also use .rotate() on a vector to align it to an object’s orientation.

So if

  right = mathutils.Vector([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])

is a right facing vector you can rotate it by using

 my_right = right.rotate(own.worldOrientation.copy()