Greater than property

With logic bricks you can check for example if a property called ‘cakes’ is greater than 10.
But how to check if the property ‘cakes’ is greater than property ‘pizzas’? I think this is not possible with logic bricks so I think I need a python script, but I’m a noob with python (but I’m learning :eyebrowlift2:). So I started searching on the internet but I wasn’t able to find a script or something that could help me.
I hope you can help me with this.
Also, when I have that script that checks if a property is greater than another property, how can I activate a Actuator?
Thanks :smiley:

with bricks

prop -> expression -> whatever

in expression:
cakes > pizza

so it checks if cakes is bigger then pizzas

Thanks, much easier than I thought.

np, if you do it with an prop, set it on changed mode.

here the python version

def property(cont):    
    #get the object using this script
    own = cont.owner
    #check if object has the properties
    if 'cakes' in own and 'pizza' in own:
        #get a property from the owner
        cakes = own['cakes']
        pizza = own['pizza']    
        print('No properties found in object')
    #check what item is bigger, like the expression brick
    if cakes > pizza:
        print('The cakes around here are way bigger then pizzas')
        print('Pizza is still bigger then cakes')

call it, always -> python - module mode-

Thanks for your help. I’ll sure save the python version to my computer because I can sure learn from it, but the expression brick did the trick already :slight_smile:

I think this is not possible with logic bricks so I think I need a python script, but I’m a noob with python (but I’m learning :eyebrowlift2:). So I started searching on the internet but I wasn’t able to find a script or something that could help me.

so i made you an example. topic has a good title, i am sure more people can use it.

Also, when I have that script that checks if a property is greater than another property, how can I activate a Actuator?

hook an always->python->property to the script

def property(cont):    
    #get the object using this script
    own = cont.owner
    #get actuator
    actuator_1 = cont.actuators['Property']
    #to get sensors use below (remove # at the start)
    #sensor_1 = cont.sensors['sensor_name_here']
    #check if object has the properties
    if 'cakes' in own and 'pizza' in own:
        #get a property from the owner
        cakes = own['cakes']
        pizza = own['pizza']    
        print('No properties found in object')
    #check what item is bigger, like the expression brick
    if cakes > pizza:
        print('The cakes around here are way bigger then pizzas')
        #activate an actuator    
        print('Pizza is still bigger then cakes')

Thanks for explaining how to activate the actuator !! I’m beginning with learning python so this is very useful to me.