Is this scene overambitious?

Good day all :slight_smile:

I’ve started my first full scene in Blender following a tut. Only halfway through it I tried a Cycles test render, using the CPU and it showed it was going to take 10 hours for a 640 X 480 render. Just to check, I tried a Blender render, which showed it would take over an hour.

System specs - Intel i5, 2 cores, hyperthreaded, NVidea GTX 1Gig GPU running on Windows 7 Home Premium.

Am I being too ambitious to try using Cycles for a full scene on this machine, or is there possibly something wrong in the scene which accounts for these long times?fallroad.blend (6.48 MB)

I see the one particle system - Pebbles- the pebbles have long streaks going below the road and they are not on the surface.

just for fun are you at rendo too ??
had me confused then I realized you had “accidently” got your sun in the pebbles group, best fix is delete and add a hdr background :wink:
or just remove it from all groups might need to turn it down a wee bit too I just deleted it for example pic
looking good be nice to see it when your finished, ps it took 5 mins on an AMD octcore @ 4 gigs

Hi hehheld :slight_smile:

Yes, I do pop into Rendo.

This is a great relief - thought I may have to give up on Blender, and I’m starting to enjoy it. Thanks a lot for looking :slight_smile: