Missing shader nodes and cycles renderer


I haven’t used Blender in a while and am a bit overwhelmed by the changes to the user interface.

I use Blender to export models and materials to my game engine and I’d like to add support for node materials in my exporter. However, I seem to miss nodes that are being used in tutorials. For example, I do not see the “Shaders” group when clicking “Add” in the node editor.

Also, I cannot select the cycles renderer at the top of the Blender window but only “Blender Render” and “Blender game Engine”. Are these two problems related?

Also, is there already a script that exports node materials? I haven’t found any.

Thank you very much!


What Blender version are you using?
Is Cycles still enable in the addons preferences?

Note that Cycles material will not be usable in any game engine. Internal renderer is better for it.

Thank you!

I did not realize that I have to manually enable it first. It works now, and I can also select the shader nodes.

I guess you are right, I should probably limit myself to the basic nodes for use in a game engine. However, I’ll need access to the model’s normal, tangent and bitangent vectors to create shading effects like normal mapping using only the basic nodes.

Is this what the “Geometry” node is for?

I’m using Blender 2.74.

You don’t. I should be enabled by default.

Geometry node is a way to use some information from the geometry, like vertex position or surface normal angle in the material but you will not be able to change geometry property by this.

I don’t know other real time engine, maybe it can use Internal material but for sure, Cycles one will not be reusable.