I want your opinion on my UVW mapping

I’m creating a small spaceship for a Unity3d game that I am working on. I’ve modeled the entire thing and UV wrapped it. I’ve modeled things in computers before but I’ve never UV unwrapped my models. So I’d like your opinion on how good a job I’ve done with this!

The UVW Wrap:

The textured ship:

I hope you can see the details in these pictures; if you need additional information regarding it please just ask!

UV islands only cover 50% of the area/texture. Depending on how you texture those areas, they could align better for easier painting and some of it could use the same space for faster and more efficient texturing. Can’t have overlapping UV’s for baking though.

You can take screenshot in Blender from window menu or ctrl+F3.

Ok thank you. But I did it correctly, right? It took me several hours over two to three days to Unwrap it and stitch things together. Is that normal? Its a pain in the butt and should it take so long??

What is baking?

Could you elaborate a bit on what you mean by “they could align better for easier painting”? Do you mean I could make them more horizontal or vertical for easier painting?

When creating models for games you should make sure your seperate uv islands don’t touch but have a few pixels of space between them or you will get texture bleeding artifacts when looking at the model from a distance due to mip mapping. The required space depends on your texture resolution.