Can't select mutliple objects in outliner

In the outliner I tried box select to select the objects called EyeInner and EyeOuter, but I accidentally also selected the object called Character, which is on another layer. Now I can’t seem to deselect them. RMB on the triangle symbol before and after the object names in the outliner brings up a menu that says edit source and edit translation, but I don’t know what those mean, so I didn’t want to click them. RMB on the arrows or the cameras in the outliner brings up a much larger menu with more choices that I don’t know anything about. I’m worried about clicking something and then finding out much later in my project that I screwed something up and can no longer undo it.

How can I deselect these 3 objects?

What is the right way to select multiple objects in the outliner?



CartoonManEyes.blend (668 KB)

Selecting in the outliner is a bit weird.
To select an object so it is also selected in the 3d view, left click on its name (eg "Torus). Use shift-left click to select multiple objects.
To select an object so you can perform Outliner operations on it, left-click in the gray part of the entry (to the left of the eye). Left click in the gray area to unselect. Shift-left click in the gray part to select multiple. This is useful if you want to say toggle renderability of many objects at once. “Outliner select” them, then right-click in the gray section and choose an operation.

How can I deselect these 3 objects?
shortcut A to deselect all

What is the right way to select multiple objects in the outliner?
Hold shift and LMB

Great, thanks very much!

Also Box select (B) works and rightclick > select

Thanks, JuhaW! But, if I select all with A, this trick doesn´t work…

Set first “Current scene”, “Visible layers” etc, but not “All scenes”.

JuhaW, thank you very much, man! :wink: