Error [as Start Message?] Toggle System Console

Hello Guys,

I have a question about an issue message, appearing during the start in System Console. Please look at the preview. Is that normal? Another message on exit is

“Error: Not freed memory blocks: 4” - I’ve try to find some information, but there is not enough clear explanation of it?

However my question is: Is PREVIEW telling us there is an issue for setting with the hardware (voltage or something) cooperation (collaboration etc.), or is this message regular and appear by default for 2.74?

Blender version 2.74,
date: 2015-03-31, 13:39,

Intel Core Quad, Q6600 @ 2.40 x 2 (GHz), 8GB Ram
64-bit operating system - Windows
Video - Geforce GTX 750 Ti, 2 GB of Ram

I will appreciate any comments into clarify this topic! Thank you in advance!