Animated Short: Cronicas Universitarias - Una fria mañana

English: Universitarian Chronicles - A cold morning.

Hi, it’s been some years since last time I’ve posted anything here at blenderartist.

Here’s a animation project I made because to test my animation skills, get out of “tutorial-land” and because I wanted to.

It took me 5 years, mostly because I thought that I could handle this while finishing college and my thesis (graduated as Industrial designer).

Animated with Blender 2.49b… OLD! I know, but I had the idea to use offset bones which were removed from blender right off version 2.50, particles, smoke and compositionwith 2.72.

There are some glitches and lighting is way too simple (rendering all these frames took almost 2 COMPLETE weeks on an i7 920, the internal renderer is SO slow compared to newer versions, didn’t wanted to try using ambient oclussion).

I would love to say that my current abilities with blender have gotten better with the years sadly this animation doesn’t really show off them.

Hope you like it.

Questions and comments below ;D

Well done, buddy. It’s funny. :yes:

It reminds me something: when I was a child a cat entered in our washing machine. My granny didn’t listen very well and turned on the machine. The poor cat screamed a lot until my father came to turn it off and rescued the cat…

I must say that this was very funny. My only problem with this was the lighting. It seems to have bleached the colors in the video.

Thanks, back then I was planning to use ambient occlusion to add better contrast and better volume, but for some reason the rendering times went through the roof, so I just turned it off.

Poor cat, they have very bad timing with those kind of things, whenever I buy something in a box my cats love to get into it too :\

Love it! I want to walk and talk like them